Tampa Corporate Headshot Photographer


 I’m behind the lens for a reason, mainly because I enjoy taking photos much more than I do being in them. In fact, just about everyone that I have had the pleasure of photographing feels some form of discomfort being the center of attention. We’ll let’s wisk those jitters away shall we? I’ve got a few quirky jokes that are guaranteed to make you smile. If worse comes to worse I’ve got some PG-13 jokes as well.

The funny thing is, I haven’t found any good photography jokes… Probably because they haven’t been “developed” yet 😉

Now, let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of this guide to help you nail your headshot session and leave you walking away with confidence knowing that you crushed it.


Shirts with logos or distracting patterns do not work. Solid colors work best..


We’ll be “focusing” on the upper part of your body so pajama pants and ripped jeans are fine. Also, if you’re wearing two different colored socks no big deal! In fact they make for great talking points. It should go without saying, two different shoes will totally fly. Maybe even a flip flop and a heel. I digress.


Let’s discuss the color of your clothing. Here, contrast is king. Contrast between your clothing and your background and contrast between your clothing and your skin tone. Be sure to know what color background we will be photographing you in front of. That way you can determine the best colors to wear for your shoot. We like to suggest rich colors such as navy, burgundy, emerald and mustard. Black works also, but not if you are being photographed with a black background. You definitely want to stay away from neon and bright colors as well. White will work on dark colored backgrounds, but not on white backgrounds.


Get a haircut a week prior to your scheduled shoot. This way your hair has time to fall into it’s natural pattern and won’t show harsh cut lines. We suggest styling your hair so you know what type of hairstyle shows you in your best light.


This one sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable so do it when no one is around… practice posing. Chances are good you’ll be sitting or leaning on a stool. Grab a similar type seat and place it in front of a mirror. Next… think of something funny. What is your favorite joke? Picture the last time something made you laugh. Maybe even tell Alexa to play your favorite comedian while you are practicing your poses. Use this to your advantage and see how beautiful your smile is. The more trained your smile muscles are the quicker they act on demand. 

Practice posing wearing the same outfit you’re wearing to your headshot session. Some types of clothing bunch up and do not look natural. Collars have a tendency to curl and arms that are crossed are downright uncomfortable in certain clothing (think sport coats). Knowing this ahead of time helps prepare you and instills confidence in your choice of outfit.

Be on the look out for even more detailed articles regarding headshot photography. Next I’ll be diving deeper in to specific tips related to headshot tips for the ladies and then I”ll be tackling tips for guys.

If you are interested in hearing more about our corporate and cinematic headshot services send me an email and lets get the ball rolling. Otherwise you can check out our corporate headshot photographer page.

That’s all for now, keep on rockin’!

#TampaHeadshotPhotographer #TampaCinematicHeadshotPhotographer #TampaPhotographer #HeadshotPhotographer #HeadshotTips #JamesConnellPhotography